Who I Am:

Joe Tercero

What I Do:

Full-stack web development, site design, site theming, server administration, and consultation. Client-first mentality. Experienced in all major web technologies with specific focus in PHP based content management systems and JavaScript frameworks. General jack-of-all trades, solutions detective, bug hunter, and developer of fortune extraordinaire!

What I Know:

  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, ES6
  • Back-End: PHP, Python, C#
  • CMS: WordPress, Drupal
  • Frameworks: jQuery, React, Redux
  • Server: AWS, Docker
  • Tools: Composer, Node, NPM, Webpack, Gulp, Git, CLI
  • Methodologies: BEM, SMACSS, SEO, Agile
  • Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Where You Can Find Me:

GitHub | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pixieset | Email